Homebrewing Kits and Supplies
At Original Gravity our goal is to provide you with the ingredients and knowledge to make the best beer you can possibly make. For beginners we offer the complete line of Brewer’s Best ingredient kits as well as all of the ingredients separately. We have plenty of recipe books to pull recipes from too. We offer the area’s largest selection of malts, yeast (including the local RVA Yeast Labs), and hops. For equipment we also offer equipment for beginners as well as a full range of items from Ss Brewtech, Anvil, and Blichmann Engineering. We do not have an online store, so you’ll have to come in and check it out.
When making beer freshness is key. At Original Gravity we take this seriously – our hops are always kept cold and never exposed to oxygen. They are packaged in nitrogen flushed bags for maximum freshness. We rotate our grains (first in, first out) and keep them in airtight containers. We also make sure our coolers are at optimal temperature for yeast storage and we remove the yeast two weeks before it expires so you never end up buying an out of date package of yeast!
Some (but not all) of the things we offer:
• CO2 tank exchange (5lb aluminum tanks only)
• Free grain milling
• Email ahead and we will get your order ready for you.
• In house computer with Beersmith installed so you can formulate your recipes in the shop
• Extensive grain room with everything you will need for your recipe
• bulk liquid malt extract to help keep your cost down
• tubing cut to length
• kegging and kegerator supplies
• temperature controllers
• wort chillers
• brew kettles
• Fermenters – glass and plastic carboys, stainless steel and plastic conical fermenters, buckets.
• Sanitizers and cleansers
• Water additions (gypsum, calcium chloride, etc.)
• Full line of Brewer’s Best ingredient kits – both 5 gallon and 1 gallon.